It was a beautiful Saturday morning as the weather was cool but a perfect day to run a 5K and get a bunch of color thrown at you. This is the second year we have now done the Eden Prairie Color run (2015 Eden Prairie Color Run) and the kids again seemed to love it. In fact, we let Gretchen out of the wagon a couple of times so she could run through the color stations which she LOVED!

All of the kids did a great job this year and there was less time for each of the big kids in the wagon which made it that much easier for April and I. The race goes around the lake by the school twice and we weren’t planning on going around two times but I ended up taking Brecken around for the second time as he really wanted to keep running. He did a great job even though he had to take a couple of breaks but he ran/walked the whole way and didn’t sit in the wagon at all. Madiana, did a great job as well but did jump into the wagon from time to time in order to rest her legs. However, she stuck with it and wanted to keep getting out after a couple second break (a little annoying as we had to then pull off to the side and stop for her to get out). Overall, our whole family didn’t come in last by any means which is another accomplishment in itself as we did stop quite a bit between Madiana jumping in and out of the wagon as well as us getting Gretchen out from time to time for her to run through the color stations.