Another long tradition on the Cloutier side of the family is the day after Thanksgiving we head down to the Christmas Tree farm that Grandma and Grandpa Cloutier started long ago. I remember as a very young child going down there what seemed like ever weekend which for a “city” kid was awesome to just be somewhere that I could just wander around in the “wild.”
When asked about memories from each of the kids, this is what they had to say….
“Cold and we got cotton candy.” – Brecken
I am glad that one of Brecken’s things he remembers was the cotton candy as I am sure April and I will not forget what happened once we got to the tree farm after he ate the entire bag of cotton candy. Thank you, Auntie Jill 🙂
“Picking out a tree with Grandma, Grandpa and Julia.” – Madiana

The picture above is great as we have taken a similar one every time we have made it to the tree farm.