Gott Family Ugly Sweater Contest – Results

What a great turn out of responses for our first ever Gott Family Ugly Sweater Contest!!  At the end of our voting, we had 114 people that contributed to choosing our winners!

And the winners are….

Ryan (a.k.a. Ron Burgandy) in the adult category!!  Congrats Ryan.  Some of us feel like your creepy facial hair might have given you an unfair advantage 🙂


In our children’s category, Brecken took home the victory!  He was very proud of his “Rudolph” shirt! IMG_8618

Our last category, the dogs, had a more humble winner… Tucker.  When given the chance to get his picture taken with the official “Winner” ribbon, he opted out and instead decided to gracefully accept his win without too much recognition.

We had fun watching the votes come in and taunting one another along the way.  Thanks for making our first Ugly Sweater Contest a success.  I can’t wait to see what next year brings!!

Feel free to check out the specific results below!

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 Papa and the grandkids rocking their ugly sweaters!


Don’t we look beautiful??


MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Gotts!IMG_8541

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