Another calendar year has rolled to a close which can only mean one thing. That’s right! The Gott family is back with their most festive holiday looks, and we’re looking for YOUR votes!
Our annual meet-up was held in Ankeny, Iowa this year and we maximized our weekend with a Friday night Beverage and Board Game Night for those that could make it. There were MANY laughs, and it was great to have a relaxing evening together. With the distance between our homes and all six kiddos busy in activities, the weekends to commute to see one another are few and far between (sad!). It was great to be together… And we even recruited a special guest from sunny Arizona!
Without further ado, it is time to cast your votes! To decide who gets your vote, think about who stands out for any reason whatsoever. Who made you giggle? Who made you smile? Who had a creatively festive outfit that forced you into a double glance? Look through the pictures below, and then cast your vote using the the Google Form.
In the adult category, our contestants are:

In the kiddo category, our contestants are:

In the pet category, our contestants are: