Wow. Just WOW. I honestly can’t even begin to describe the fun that we had in the weeks leading up to our first ever Family Olympic Games. Then, the day finally rolled around and MORE WOW! We can’t thank our friends enough for all their help in making the day a fun and memorable one.
Behind the scenes of the 2016 Walker Family Olympics:

Welcome to the Olympic Village

Opening Ceremony Team Photos

We had International Cuisine that could rival any culinary competition in the world! We had so much food, that some went uncooked and I didn’t have the chance to snap photos of it all. From a Mexican beer sampling pack to frozen margaritas, German beers to Sans Sans orange drink, a taco & nacho bar, an Italian soda bar, homemade paella, wonderfully delicious scones, “Holey food” straight from the country of Vatican City (get it???)…. Too many foods to list, but OH SO GOOD!

We kicked things off with the Daddy Bench Press event.
Check out the video to see the Daddy Bench Press in action. Here is another video of the Dad’s in action. Gold goes to South Korea!

Our next event was a quick one, and hard to get pictures & videos of. The Baby Yard Dash needed all hands on deck to execute! It sure was a cute one, with all athletes competing with motivation and determination. Gold went to South Korea, with silver going to Mexico and bronze going to Germany. Great job to our youngest athletes!!
Much like the games of Rio and Tokyo, The Family Hurdle Event was constructed as athletes pulled into Olympic Village. This event involved all family members, lots of cheering, and many smiles. It also involved the athletes of Great Britain rising to the challenge of competing whilst baby Ada slept in her carseat. Now THAT is the determination of true Olympians! I was laughing so hard throughout this, I can’t even tell you who walked away with what medals…. But we all walked away with great memories! Here is a video I got from a friend that shows the first two legs of Team Mexico.

The Adult Triathlon
Ironically, this event was created by moms and for dads. How fun is that? On behalf of all the moms, YOU’RE WELCOME!
EVENT ONE: Athletes must make a full lap around the cul-de-sac on a tricycle or kids’ bike.
EVENT TWO: Athletes must jump into the pool, where they will do 10 “bobs,” followed by a handstand.
EVENT THREE: Athletes must run a full lap around the house, touching the mailbox as the finish line.
Check out the video from heat ONE: USA vs. Germany
Check out the video from heat TWO: Spain vs. Mexico
Check out the video from heat THREE: South Korea vs. Great Britain
Needless to say, this even was meant with lots of determination and even MORE laughs. Thanks to the dads for being good sports 🙂 Check out the candids to laugh along with us!

Tug-of-war was done bracket style, allowing everyone to compete. This event (literally) knocked me off my feet. The sudden force of USA, combined with my laughter was too much for Team Mexico and down we went.

As the time neared closing ceremonies, we realized there were untouched events, a tattoo parlor that hadn’t been opened, food that we were too busy to eat, and days and days worth of more fun to be had. Stay tuned for Walker Summer Olympics 2020 for more fun and photos!!
Special thanks to all of the 2016 athletes for the best play date EVER.

Post Olympic Day Hangover (and not in the traditional sense)
The Team Mexico athletes woke up energized and ready to continue the games after the official Olympic party ended. It felt a little bit like waking up on December 26th… Such good memories and so many wonderful reflections, but now what?? We decided to set a small percentage of the activities back up and let the kids hold additional prelims before garbage and recycling day when many of our events “say goodbye.”

The kids were exceptionally excited to challenge me to the Triathlon today. I won’t lie – It was exhausting and my thighs are killing me!! But it WAS really fun 🙂 And that event officially puts a close to our Olympic play.
Walker, OUT.