We always have so much fun visiting Papa Gott at the Farm in Ollie, Iowa. This time it was an even bigger event as we’ve recruited cousins and aunts to join our fun. Our weekend included a family reunion, figure 8 car races, a field trip to a neighboring farm to FEED A BABY COW!!!, visiting Grandma’s “special rock,” and a family camp out. Whew! That was a LOT to pack into 24 hours. Everyone had a blast, and the only thing we would have changed would be to have more time there.
We are already anxious to get back!!
- Brecken and April at the Gott Reunion
- Gretchen and Emma eating lunch at the Gott reunion
- Nothing like having a cotton candy machine at the Gott Family Reunion
- Girl Cousins walking to the races holding hands.
- Emma and Madiana holding hands walking to the races.
- Emma, Ava, Gretchen, and Madiana sitting with Papa Gott at the races
- Emma and Madiana at the races
- Gretchen and Emma at the races
- Gretchen at the races
- Madiana and Papa Gott at the races
- Amy and April at the races witth Gretchen photo boming them
- Gott Cousins with Grandma Betty Gott
- Gott Cousins with their spouses sitting around Grandma Betty Gott
- Emma and Madiana at the races
- The whole Gott Clan at the Races
- Amy and Kevin at the car races
- Great Grandma Gott with her Great Grandchildren
- April and Jerry at the car races
- Emma, Gretchen and Ava at the car races
- Eric and Gretchen sleeping in the tent
- Brecken and Grady at the car races
- Brecken, Madiana, Ava, and Gretchen with Papa Gott at the races
- Madiana and Eric at the car races
- Eric and Gretchen at the car races
- Papa Gott and his Grandkids
- Watching the car races
- April and Amy trying to have a conversation with little people crawling all over them
- Gretchen and April at the races eating dinner
- Madiana with her loot of candy at the car races. All the big kids worked together and filled her hat up.
- Eric, April and Gretchen at the races
- Brecken and Grady watching the car races
- Gretchen watching the car races
- Madiana and April at the races
- Camping on the farm
- Madiana and April getting ready to sleep in the tent
- Gretchen, Eric, and Brecken sleeping in the tent
- Madiana sleeping in the tent
- Gretchen sleeping in the Tent
- Gretchen asleep in the tent
- Madiana asleep in the tent
- Gretchen and April after the campout
- The first ones up the next day after the campout
- The morning after the campout
- View from the tent in the morning. Not bad Iowa, not bad.
- View of our campsite on the farm
- Gretchen loved the bunnies outside Papa Gotts house
- Papa Gott and Madiana on the Tractor at the Farm
- Papa Gott and Brecken on the Tractor at the Farm
- Madiana driving the tractor with Papa Gott
- Cousins taking a ride in the back of the pickup truck. Only in Iowa!
- Madiana feeding the baby calf
- Brecken feeding the baby calf
- Taking a ride in the back of the pickup truck to see some cows. Only in Iowa!
- April and Gretchen checking out the baby calf
- Brecken Feeding the baby calves
- Madiana feeding the baby calves
- Gretchen Feeding the baby calves
- Madiana petting the baby calf
- Madiana checking out the Cows
- Madiana checking the cows out
- Gretchen checking the cows out
- Ava, April and Gretchen sitting on the truck
- Papa Gott, Gretchen, and Emma feeding the fish
- Gretchen checking out the fish
- Gretchen, and Madiana feeding the fish
- Eric and Brecken fishing
- Gretchen touching the fish we caught
- Gretchen and Madiana checking out the fish we caught
- Madiana fishing
- Emma showing off the fish she caught
- Gretchen trying to fish
- Brecken with his first caught fish of the year
- Gretchen trying to figure out the fishing pole
- Madiana catching a fish!
- Madiana standing next to the fish she caught
- Madiana’s face after she realizes that the fish swolled the hook
- Now why did you swallow the hook silly fish
- From across the pond watching the kids feed the fish
- Brecken driving around Papa Gotts tractor all by himself
- Gretchen painting Papa Gott’s fingernails
- Gretchen adding a little makeup on Papa Gott’s face
- Great Grandma Gott and Gretchen
- Gretchen looking at the picture of Grandma Gott
- Madiana and Gretchen looking at the tombstone of Grandma Gott
- Papa Gott and the Grandkids at Grandma Gott’s special rock
- Brecken giving Grandma Gott a kiss
- Brecken, Madiana, and Gretchen at Great Grandma’s special rock
- On the drive home April and Eric stopped to get coffee as the kids slept