Happy Easter everyone! The weather for an Easter Egg hunt in Minnesota is always a big question mark as you never know what kind of weather you are going to get. We wanted to get some good pictures of the kids as they were all dressed up for Church on Saturday and of course, it started to rain right as we went out to take them. Luckily, it wasn’t raining too hard and we got some really good pictures of the kids. We decided to go on Saturday night because the kids actually had their own church classes to go to as well and they had a glow in the dark easter egg hunt (How cool is that!).
On Sunday when we woke up it was really wet and cold outside as it had rained all night. However, that didn’t stop the Easter bunny from stopping by to drop off a couple of eggs for the kids to find. Also, it didn’t stop our kids either as they just put on coats and rain boots to march around in the wet grass/mud. They seemed to have a blast walking around and finding the eggs left by the Easter Bunny. In fact, it was really fun watching Gretchen stumble upon eggs and then that moment when one of the eggs opened up and she realized that there was more to this than just picking up these eggs from around the yard. The kids even put some bunny ears on the dogs to get them in the festive mood, but I don’t think Tucker and PJ really cared for that kind of attention anymore.