Happy 4th Birthday Little Girl! I am glad I could say that one last time… Since based on my conversation with Madiana I can no longer call her a little girl as that is only Gretchen. She informed me that I need to start calling her Madiana, Big Girl, or Sister.
I really can’t believe how time flies as it seems like just yesterday Madiana was born and then a couple of weeks later we spent what felt like a week at the hospital because she had RSV. I am so glad we are passed that point but where did the other 4 years go. Now look at our “Big Girl” playing hockey/skating around but also taking some time to stop and put on some makeup :). Not to mention she is always bubbling with joy, happiness, and a smile (except for mornings but can you blame her).

At the end of the weekend I asked Madiana what her favorite thing was and this was her answer..
When Emma and Ava played with me.. Going sledding outside. – Madiana