It’s that time of year folks…. Christmas lights, gingerbread houses, and the Gott Family Festive Sweaters!
Per usual, we had a great time. Check out this picture to see just HOW GOOD of a time 🙂 We missed Uncle Aaron’s presence, but were able to face time him in Arizona. The kids sure appreciated all of the fun gifts he left in the Midwest before he drove towards warmer weather!!
Everyone brought their A-game again this year, so cast your vote for your favorite! From candy cane leggings to what Santa might look like at the beach, Grandma Cary’s mock-turtleneck sweatshirt to Jerry the Elf, one-piece jumpers to velvety velour, a toddler sized dress transposed to a 7-year old’s shirt to numerous Goodwill delights… The Gotts showed up fashionable and confident.
Click on the below pictures to view them larger and then open up the Voting Ballet when you are ready.

Gott Family Festive Sweater 2015 Voting Ballot
Thanks for allowing us into your homes again this holiday season. Happy 2016 to each of you!