April had a wedding to goto over the weekend and the kids were stuck with just me. We had a great time going to the Pumpkin fest, hitting up the park (where Gretchen slide down the slide by herself), hockey for Brecken, and just having fun outside at our house. Here is some of the picture and video highlights from the weekend.
- Brecken and Madiana checking out the deer in our backyard at 8:30 am
- Madiana and Gretchen sliding down the slide.
- Madiana really enjoying sliding down the slide with Gretchen
- Rare moment where all three kids slide down together
- Brecken, Madiana, and Gretchen were really enjoying the park.
- Static haired Gretchen
- Gretchen just chilling in the swing
- Brecken king of the rocks
- After such a busy morning this girl fell asleep before lunch
- Eric and Gretchen
- Gretchen laughing it up
- Madiana doing some freestyle scootering
- Gretchen chilling in her swing
- Brecking racing around on his scooter
- Having dinner on the deck
- Madiana looking good for bed
- Morning mini donuts made by Brecken and Madiana
- Gretchen enjoying the mini-donuts
- Brecken and Madiana checking out the Turkeys in our backyard
- Thanks to our neighbor, Madiana got to enjoy an apple break in the morning.
- Thanks to our neighbor, Brecken got to enjoy an apple break in the morning.
- Gretchen really enjoying her apple from our neighbor.
- Brecken and Madiana playing soccer with cousin James
- Brecken playing with Julia and Madiana playing with James
- Gretchen playing with some hockey pucks
- The girls cheering Brecken on at Hockey practice
- The girls and Eric cheering Brecken on at Hockey practice
- Madiana can make any time a perfect time to sashay… During hockey practice
- Brecken can’t get enough and is the last one off the ice
- Looks like Brecken is exhausted
- Madiana showing Gretchen how to dance
- What better way to end the weekend that with ice cream for dinner
- Madiana enjoying some ice cream
- Brecken enjoying some ice cream
- Gretchen enjoying some ice cream
- Gretchen trying to help comb Madiana’s hair
- Madiana and Gretchen doing their hair after baths
- Madiana, Eric, and Brecken