Exhibit A

Adventures in traveling – Exhibit E: Arriving at 10:30pm is AWESOME! Thankfully, these two didn’t nap at all on the plane to increase their awesomeness.
Exhibit F:

Adventures in traveling – Exhibit G: Three kids sleeping on a three hour road trip…. I’ve actually had a conversation with my husband! #HiNiceToMeetYouItsBeenAwhile

Adventures in Traveling – Exhibit I: How many glasses of wine before we can assemble a pack ‘n play? Poor Gretchen fell asleep waiting for us! Many laughs while trying though.

Adventures in Traveling – Exhibit O: Bearizona!!!
Gretchen loved looking at the of the animals up close!

Adventures in Traveling – Exhibit O: Bearizona!!!
Gretchen was certainly intrigued by this little guy….

Adventures in Traveling – Exhibit O: Bearizona!!!
Ready to take the bus trip through the animal park…. Let’s see how close we can get to the bears!

Adventures in Traveling – Exhibit P: Girls just wanna have fun!!! These bathing beauties are loving their time in the sun!

Adventures in Traveling – Exhibit R: A rainy morning had us sleeping in, making pancakes, playing in our pajamas and RELAXING. A perfect start to a day on vacation!!