Hello petting zoo, how I love thee.
Talking to a new “friend” about the pony.
Brecken found an ear of corn on the ground and was oh so excited….
… but unfortunately thought it was an ear of corn on the cob that he could eat. Hmmm….
Getting ready to test out the corn maze…
Brecken had a great time inside the corn maze, despite the uneven ground and many stumbles. He found corn to pick up, lots of weeds to pull and play with, and had a great time chasing everyone!
Ticking mommy with a weed he found. Wonder where he got the idea (Daddy)???
Family photo in the corn maze:
Working his way through the maze…
Minnetonka Orchards
We have this same picture from last year… Only he was a bit shorter then 🙂 I can’t wait to have this same photo taken when he is a high school senior!!!!
He wanted to stay at the apple growth chart for some reason, despite the fact that other families were patiently waiting to take photos. We told him to say goodbye to the apple, and he apparently decided the apple needed a goodbye kiss 🙂
Swinging on the play set before lunch….
Counting the corn pieces in the back of the train….
Mommy & Brecken
Hayrack ride…