Welcome Brecken Michael Normy Walker

I apologize for this being so short and only with one photo but I will promise to get more uploaded at another time.  However, just to let you all know what some of the statistics and the real name of junior.  His name is Brecken Michael Normy Walker and he was born at 6:03am, weighs 4lbs 13.2oz and is 19in long.

As for April and Brecken they are both doing great but baby will have to be in special care nursery for a couple of weeks.

I really enjoy this photo I took of our little one.  After all he and his mommy has been though he is still smiling about it 🙂

Well I know there are probably more stories we could tell about our short night in the delivery room but I will make you wait for April’s version as she is a much better story teller.


11 thoughts on “Welcome Brecken Michael Normy Walker

  1. so precious April! Congrats. I almost told you in the email that I bet he would come in the next few days but I didn’t want to say that and then have you go until 41 weeks 🙂

    Congrats again!!
    Jennifer, Brandon & Corbin

    p.s.–I love that name 🙂 It was almost Corbin’s 🙂

  2. He looks so serene for such a little hellraiser! Adorable. Congratulations! Now go out for a night on the town before you have to bring him home!


  3. That is such a cute name. I love the photo of him. I can’t wait to hear more/see more photos.
    Sara T

  4. This was the most special experience to share with you guys..Oh my God..he is precious…thank you both..Roger & Joanie

  5. April and Walker – Congrats! I love that he is smiling after such a journey to get here.
    It’s pretty incredible.

    Lisa, Chicago.

  6. Congratulations!!! We are so happy for you!!!

    Rebecca Metz and the Little Guy Harmon Metz

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