Here is prego April at 33 weeks:
Something funny about my “weekly photos.” Don’t I look smiley and happy in all of them?? I go from grumpy and laying in bed, and then when Eric takes the pictures I flash the smile. If I wouldn’t know better, I’d see this picture and think “Wow, she looks happy to be pregnant!!” Lesson for the day: Things are not always as they seem 🙂
I’m 34 weeks today. Not a small feat according to all of the doctors and nurses that I’ve met and worked with over the past few weeks. They have all repeatedly told me how impressed they are that I was able to get from week 21 to now…. In their line of work, it doesn’t always go that way and they see the sad stories as well. They also said they can tell that I did a good job at following my doctor’s orders, because they can tell the people who cheat 🙂 Guess my one car trip to the Dairy Queen with Eric a few weeks back went unnoticed….. Whew! They couldn’t be happier that Junior continues to look healthy and strong. Hopefully now that I’ve made it to week 34 I’ll be rewarded with a baby SOON!
I can’t wait to meet this trouble maker 🙂
Hopefully you are getting all of the trouble out of the way now and everything will be smooooth sailing from birth on!!!!
Funny that you should make that last statement;-)
congrats April and Eric!!! Way to go mommy, he looks great for a 34 week baby(must take after his mom, he’s cute too) Take care and enjoy your reward:) Alyse