As happy as I was to get to leave the hospital, I haven’t felt the best since being home. Perhaps it’s withdrawal from the magnesium sulfate, or just being tired from all the poking and prodding at the hospital, but I feel beat! I’m been nauseaus, headaches, dizzy, light-headed, blurry vision. Yuck. I’ve been in bed all week and don’t see that changing…
I was scheduled to go to my doctor this morning for a follow-up from my hospital stay. Unfortunately, I never made it there 🙁 I had a lot of bleeding this morning around 11am (scary!), so called the doctor who told me to go to the hospital immediately. Once hooked up to the monitors at the hospital, I found out I was having contractions at 3 minutes apart (I’m still not feeling them). They gave me yet another shot of Tributaline (and again assured me my baby wouldn’t be affected by all of these drugs!), and sent me on my way. They said they think I am now 1.5cm dilated, so the change could be what caused the bleeding. They also mentioned that the placenta could be tearing away from the uterine wall which might have caused the bleeding. Either way, baby continues to look great so they aren’t worried about his health!! I will go into my doctor’s office on Friday for another check, as I continue to have high blood pressure. I’m still showing some signs of Preeclempsia, but they are happy that the baby isn’t showing signs of distress.
Poor Eric is used to these daily calls by now, but it’s such a pain to have to get him out of work for all of these hospital visits. I told him I owed his boss and co-workers a large batch of homemade cookies once I am on my feet again, and a big apology for stealing him away from the office so much. I would love to think that the rest of the pregnancy could go smoother, but I’ve given up on that hope. I am back to strict bed rest until further notice, and have an ultrasound scheduled for next Thursday to look at the baby again. Hopefully he’ll still be inside to check out!!
If you make it to Friday, you might want to bring your hospital bag. I think you are going to be finishing your pregnancy in the hospital very soon!