Almost the end of the week!

YAY!  It’s Friday!  Which means the weekend is almost here and Eric will be here to provide some adult conversation for a few days…. And then on Monday, Junior will be 25 weeks along!  Each day is a triumph and each week an absolute milestone in his development.  Let’s hope all continues to stay fairly quiet and we’ll be at week 28 before we know it.  I know, I know, I’m probably getting a little ahead of myself, but we’re almost to week 25!!!

I’ve enjoyed having a few visitors over the week…. It always helps to break up the day and I want each of you to know how much I appreciate it.  Eric is going to spend some time this weekend re-arranging the room so that we can have a chair in here and I’m trying to convince him I need the bigger tv 🙂  It’ll probably look like a dorm room by the time this bed rest is over, and with any hope, I’ll be able to convince someone to hang my New Kids on the Block posters up to seal the deal of TRULY looking my old college dorm room.  Eric will of course NOT be the one to put the posters up as he’d rather see them move from the house, but maybe someone can sneak it up while he’s at work and he won’t even notice 🙂
Thanks again for the books, meals, cards, etc….. And Kim, the homemade chocolate cupcakes were DELICIOUS last night!  I believe Eric even packed one in my little lunch box for the day…. YUM!  I have two play dates set up for the day it looks like- around lunch time and after 5!  I can’t wait!!!!
Tucker and PJ continue to be great little companions for me during the day…. They cuddle up and sleep the whole day, or at least until they hear someone at the door!  I continue to have daily contractions, about 2-3 an hour which I am told is not “reason to come into the hospital yet.”  So my contractions and I will stay where they are for hopefully much longer!  Other than that, I’m having some lower back pain and a lot of abdominal pressure… Both indicators of pre-term labor, but could be worsened by the fact that I’ve been in a bed laying on my left side with no movement for my 5th day now???  Don’t worry mom, Junior’s doctor is in my “Fave 5” contacts so they are just a quick speed dial away when I have questions/ concerns!!!!
I hope you all have a great Friday and an awesome weekend!
April & Junior

4 thoughts on “Almost the end of the week!

  1. Hi April,
    My goodness, that was an early posting. I am so impressed with what an awesome job you are doing on your blog. You are definitely not missing much weather wise outside. I can just imagine how long the days are laying on your left side. Well, you certainly should be well read. I was chuckling about your comment concerning lesson plans. Funny, how that doesn’t look so bad now. Life definitely gives us perspective. Take care and you are in my thoughts. Katie

  2. We wish we were closer so we could come and cook and have a playdate!

    Hang in there…we’re thinking good thoughts for you guys.

    Kim and Brian, Trudy and the boys

  3. Next time I am over for a visit, I will hang up the postor for you and Eric will never know:):)


  4. Hi April!

    Sounds like you are doing exactly what you need to be doing. I am sure having your mom up there for a few days will be good for you (and for her also)..


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